Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary For centuries travelers have been fascinated by the mystical allure of the Nile.

A relaxing cruise in luxurious surroundings, alongside Egypt’s many archaeological wonders, provides the perfect combination for an unforgettable holiday.

Day One

Met and transferred from Luxor airport to your cruise vessel, dinner and overnight stay in Luxor.

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Day Two

Enjoy your first Egyptian sunrise, followed by a visit to the West Bank to the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, the Temple of Hatshepsut and the Colossi of Memnon.

Afternoon sailing and overnight stay at Esna.

Day Three

Morning departure to Edfu where you will visit the extraordinary Temple of Horus, the mythical son of Isis and Osiris.

Here, according to myth, Horus avenged the murder of his father Osiris by defeating his father’s brother Seth in combat.

Sail on to Kom Ombu to visit the Temple of Sobek and Haroeris and then onto Aswan for the night.

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Day Four

Visit the High Dam – finished in 1971; it has ensured up to three harvests a year.

The Unfinished Obelisk – still rooted to the bedrock of pink granite and the Temple of Isis on Philae Island, with an optional excursion to the ancient wonder of Abu Simbel by air, priced at ?120pp.

Overnight at Aswan.

Day Five

Relax and enjoy a trip in a traditional felluca around Elephantine Island which will lead you to the Botanical Gardens on General Kitchener Island given as a gift in 1890.

Here, visitors enjoy the beautiful flowers imported from Africa, India and the Far East.

Sail and overnight at Esna.

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Day Six

Visit the partly excavated Temple of Khnum at Esna.

Dedicated to the ram-headed god Khnum, who was the patron god of the cataracts, who is said to have fashioned mankind from Nile clay on his potter’s wheel.

Sail back to Luxor and overnight.

Day Seven

Tour the East Bank with a visit to Luxor Temple, originally joined to Karnak by an avenue of sphinxes.

Visit Karnak which covers a huge area and includes several temples, the largest being the Temple of Amun.

Overnight in Luxor with an optional Karnak Sound and Light show priced at ?20.00pp.

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Day Eight

Leisure time in Luxor before your transfer to Luxor airport for your return home or you may wish to extend your stay in Egypt for a further week.

Please ask us for details.

Please Note: The order or content of your itinerary may have to be amended due to lock closures, low water levels or any other unforeseeable circumstances.

General Information: Occasionally, due to operational difficulties a change of vessel can occur.

However, the sightseeing itinerary will remain the same.

Traditionally, a tip is expected at the rate of ?4.00 per person per night which includes coach drivers, bell boys, housekeeping staff, crew and bar/restaurant staff.

Additional tipping is not expected.

Credit Cards are not accepted on board Nile Cruisers.

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary

Typical Nile Cruise Itinerary